“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …” (Psalms 107:2)

Power, Redemption, Affirmation, Inspiration, Sanctification, Exaltation

   Volume 16 Issue 1                                                                                                                            April 2015  


The Servant Team – Leaders:

Deidre Schilling,  Sandy Witherspoon, Stephanie Wilkes, and Karen Page, and Tom Meadows

Emeritus Leaders

Tom Meadows, Roy Campbell, Ralph Brown, Ruth Johnson, Delois Maddox, Jackie Hager, Karen Page and Richard Hatcher

The Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team

George Foreman, Janet Taylor, Juanita Langley, Margie Jasper, Denise Warren, Karen Page, Tom Meadows, Pam Barden, Deidre Schilling, Deedre Dickerson,  Sandy Witherspoon and Tee Williams


Love Fund Coordinator:

Deidre Schilling

Newsletter Staff:

Tom Meadows



Inside This Issue


Hands Up Ministry Organization


From The Servant Team:  Whispers from God


Prayer Ministry 


HUM Scheduled Meetings


Missions Minded


Walking In The Valley With Jesus

If you would like a copy of this newsletter, contact Tom Meadows and give him your home and/or e-mail address.





The Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and publishers.  Anyone interested in serving God through this publication, please contact a member of the Servant Team.








PRAISE the Lord!!

Pastor Jeremiah

"Sacrificing In 2015 - God Has A Portion"


Whispers From God

During times in my life I have had these whispers from the Holy Spirit.  Some have come during storms and some have come during sunshine, but the important thing is they came for that time and for now that others might be encouraged or uplifted by them.


We think we know what we are doing but we don’t know what we are doing.


Pain without purpose is just pain.  Pain with a purpose has a promise.


God will turn your nothingness into Godliness.


You don’t need a wealth of knowledge but a well of living water.


God doesn’t always tell us the purpose but He will tell you the promise.


People do not need your sympathy they need your love.


If you “have to” it is a “job”.  If you “want to” it is a “joy”..


If you see me, then you miss the message.


When you are called it is your choice”.  When you are chosen it is God’s choice


If you cannot walk in His sufferings then how can you walk in His glory?


Don’t work for men to serve God.  Work for God to serve men.


If it is not worth giving away, it is not worth keeping.


It is not about being worthy but it is about our being adopted.


It is not in our strength but in His anointing.


Passion should not be your ministry.  Ministry should be your passion.


You get living water from the well and you get well from the living water.


The flesh demands an explanation.   The spirit expects a witness.


Fear runs.  Faith stands.


To be sinless, you must sin less, less and less.


When you run out of yourself, then you can run into God.


If there were no battles, you wouldn't know there was a war.


Impossible starts with I and ends with God.


Hope is the front side of faith and expectation is the backside of faith.


God cannot bless what you keep, only what you give away.






Has anyone told you

I love you


I love you


Jesus loves you!

If you need prayer contact Stephanie Wilkes or Deidre Schilling or any member of the Twelve Disciples or the Servant Team

Prayer Ministry



 The one thing that holds this ministry and our work together is our prayer ministry headed up by Deidre Schilling and the prayer team known as the Twelve Disciples.  Did you know that our prayer register has over 300 requests to date?  Each of the names is called out to the Lord everyday not just on Wednesday.  It is a humbling thing to call out 300 names to the Lord knowing that you need as much prayer as any of these names.  Many people will be touched by the Lord through Hands Up Ministry who otherwise might never attend church.

Hands Up Meetings




Are You Available?



 IS at the Towers are now having meetings weekly on Wednesdays.  Contact is Deidre Schilling.




Tom Meadows

Mezcala 2015

Missions Trip To Mexico

My dream for 2015 was to return to Mezcala, Mexico and finish the church that was part of the vision of my friend Clinton Hendershot. The trip will not happen due to my daughter being treated for breast cancer; however, we as Hands Up Ministry were able to send $2500 so they could put the roof on the building.  Finished pictures later.  Present day picture.

Pray for our churches in the Dominican Republic and Mexico

  • Villa Progresso Church, Dominican Republic

  • El Curro Church, Dominican Republic

  • La Resolana, Mexico

  • Mezcala, Mexico


Be missions minded not absent minded.


Keep praying for the vision.

Walking In The Valley With Jesus



Psalms 23:4 - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

For several days I have been given insight into this verse of scripture.  Everyone understands that we grow more in the valley than on the mountain top.  It is through adversity that we realize that we need someone larger than us and bigger than life and that someone is Jesus.  Moses went up on the mountain to experience the Shekinah Glory of God. Elijah encountered this Glory on the mountain when he was discouraged and running for his life.  Peter, James and John were with Jesus upon the mountain when Jesus was transfigured in radiant Glory and guess who was there to witness this event.   It was Moses and Elijah.  There is revelation in elevation.

Let’s deal with this valley of death and the security of this verse.  First of all who is in this picture?  Let’s put ourselves as the “I”, and then there is “death”, the shadow, and Jesus.  At a recent funeral an analogy was given to me as I was doing the eulogy that did not appear in my notes.   You see death abides in this valley that we will all walk one day unless we are taken up as Enoch and Elijah  As we walk through this valley the enemy wants us to be afraid but a shadow cannot hurt us.  The revelation given to me on that day was that the only way the shadow was even present was because the Glory of the presence of Jesus cast the shadow.    To have a shadow you need an object on which to cast light.  Jesus has already defeated death so the next best thing is for the enemy to try and scare us with shadows.  When Jesus looks upon death it becomes a shadow.  So when we begin to take this walk we are assured that Jesus is with us and there no fear.

We walk by faith and we are not alone.



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