“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …”
(Psalms 107:2)
Exaltation |
Volume 3 Issue 2
July 2002 |
Servant Team – Leaders:
Meadows, Ruth Johnson, Richard Hatcher, Delois Maddox, Ralph Brown,
Julia Candia and Jackie Hager
Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team
Williams, Karen Page, Deborah Whitener, Ivan Pope, Janet Taylor,
Juanita Langley, Margie Jasper, Deedre Dickerson, Pam Barden, Pam
Jeter, Sandra Smalls,
and George Foreman.
Fund Coordinator:
Newsletter Staff:
Gibson, Norma Hall, Sandra Witherspoon
I am so
honored and excited to bring you the second edition of
This edition has some good and serious information to help
each of us during our walk with Christ.
We hope you enjoy and be blessed by this edition.
Matthew 21:16 , “… Out of the mouth of children and infants
you have perfect praise".
The members of Hands Up are committed to lifting our
is one vessel through which we communicate with one another and
those around us the goodness of our Lord.
This newsletter shall be filled with the following:
– “They will tell of the
power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great
deeds.” (Psalms 145:6)
– “Let the redeemed of
the Lord say so …”
(Psalms 107:2)
– “That being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs
according to the hope of eternal life.
This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou
affirm constantly, that
they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good
works. These things are
good and profitable unto men.”
(Titus 3:7-8).
– “We continually remember before our God and Father your work
produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance
inspired by hope in our
Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:3)
– “Sanctify them by the
truth; your Word is truth.” (John 17:17)
– “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.”
(Psalms 34:3)
PRAISE the Lord!!
Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and
publishers. Anyone
interested in serving God through this publication, please contact
Zynobia Gibson 274-3446, Sandra Smalls 274-3353 or Sandra
Witherspoon - 274-3097
If you
would like a copy of this newsletter, contact Tom Meadows and give
him your home and/or e-mail address |
Geneva Coleman
April 18, 2002
God has a plan for your life.
It’s a plan for good and not evil.
It’s a plan to give you hope.
How many of you know that
it is a sin to
We are to
cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us.
God wants our worries.
(Our situations, our problems).
God doesn’t want us to bear any of them.
We need to
keep the word of God in us so when trying,
hard, and difficult times come, we can stand.
tries to put strongholds on us.
A strong hold is an area in our mind that’s held captive
because of a certain way of thinking.
The Battleground for Satan is in our
mind. He tries
to get us though fear, doubt, and unbelief.
Listen, when fear comes along, if we give it a place, it will
open a door for the enemy to come in, because fear is the opposite
of faith.
Job 3:25
says, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and
that which I was afraid of is come unto me”
Job 6:
says, "Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to
understand wherein I have erred."
How forcible are right words?
Job was asking God to show him where he made his mistake.
It was a gap in his hedge!
look at the term hedge.
We need to know what a hedge is.
How do you build a hedge and keep it from getting a hole in
it? The hedge around a
Christian is God’s stronghold around him.
Satan wants to find a hold in the hedge so he can come in and
attack you. If your
hedge is strong, he may come against it, but he cannot come through
it to get to you. Your
hedge should be around you, your household, and your possessions.
God is
looking for people to not only stand and have their own hedge
complete, but to stand for others, for nations, for peoples, for
situations, anywhere we see a hole.
God is looking for people who will come in and stand in the
gap and say, “Satan, you cannot do that.
I’m drawing a line, and you cannot cross it!”
You can stand in faith for somebody else's hedge.
Don’t forget it.
I am of God
and have overcome him (Satan).
For greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world
(1John 4:4). |
Capsules to read and live by each day:
No weapon
formed against me shall prosper, for my righteousness is of the
Lord. But whatever I do
will prosper for I’m like a tree that’s planted by the rivers of
water (Isaiah 54:17; Psalm
I am
delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the will of
God (Galatians 1:4).
No evil will befall me neither shall any plague come nigh my
dwelling. For the Lord
has given His angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways,
and in my pathway is life and there is no death
(Psalms 91:10-11; Proverbs 12:28).
I am an
overcomer and I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my
testimony (Revelation
I have
given and it is given unto me good measure, pressed down, shaken
together, running over, men give unto my bosom
(Luke 6:38).
I trust in
the Lord with all my heart, and I lean not unto my own understanding
(Proverbs 3:5).
In all my
ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my path
(Proverbs 3:6).
“You can
have what you say, but you keep saying what you have”
I can do all things............
I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.
The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called
a loop called Confusion
speed bumps called Friends,
red lights called Enemies,
caution lights called Family.
You will have flats called
But, if you have a spare called
an engine called
insurance called Faith,
A driver called Jesus,
you will make it to a place called
Success |
Tom Meadows
Hands Up
will being going on a Work & Witness trip to build a church for
Jesus in the Dominican Republic.
The name of the Church will be Aguas Blancas (White Waters)
God has given us a vision to go according to the Great
Commission. The target date is Spring break in April 2003.
We have established a Prayer & Fasting Ministry to support
this vision. God has laid the groundwork and we are walking in
obedience to the leading of His Spirit. God will raise up
those who will go according to His word:
Isaiah 6:8
Also I
heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will
go for us? Then said I, here am I; send Me.
Can you
imagine attending a church that is made of large tree limbs and
covered with a plastic tarp? Many of our Christian Brothers
and Sisters do it every week? Can you believe that some
worship in structures even worse that this building? They come
to worship and praise the same God we do. Would you be
attending this church if it were all you had? If you are
reading this article then you can make a difference. We need
to raise $12,000 to build the building, which does not count the
$1000 each team member will have to raise to make the trip.
We are working hand in hand with a small local church that
wants to plant a church on the mission field as a seed faith for
their congregation and the work, which the Lord has called them to
perform. Our seed faith is for lost where we work.
The church and Hands Up will each be responsible for $6000. I
know that is a large sum of money but I believe the Lord will supply
if His children will be faithful. If the Lord speaks to your
heart and you would like to make a tax deductible contribution
toward this great work for the Lord please contact us at
Buy a
cinder block for $2 Buy
a window for $10 Buy a door for $20
Buy a wall for $500
Buy a room for $2000 Buy a roof for $4000
Sponsor someone for
1 John 3:17
But whoso
hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and
shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love
of God in him?
Please remember to lift The
following people up in prayer
Fellow Co-workers Hands
Up Staff
Friends US
Armed Forces
1 Peter 5:7
all your anxiety on him,
because he cares for you"
seemed to be a dark dreary day, turned out to be a day full of
“Son-shine”. There were
approximately 22 people at the breakfast.
A blessing was there for everyone.
Mrs. Mary Hatcher and myself prepared the food for the
earthly body, and Brother Larry Branch, a former PM employee feed
the spiritual part of the body and mind.
The songbirds were Sallie Armaral, Ruth Johnson, and Mary
Shelia Shelton saw to it that all went smoothly, and that the time
was well used by all that want to contribute something whether it
was a blessing or a prayer request. .
Thank you Richard Hatcher, Tom Meadows Sr., and all the
others that worked so hard for all of this to be possible.
But the biggest thank you goes to Kingsland Baptist Church,
for letting the group meet, and allowing us full use of the kitchen,
and meeting room.
Pastor John Marks is a pastor dedicated to people here and all
around the world.
Kingsland is very missions oriented.
Brother Larry Branch shared the word “Struggles” with the group.
If you are not going through the struggles, and the devil is
not continuously on your back, then you are not gaining the victory.
I myself can testify to the “Struggles” that we all go
through and how the devil will stay on you when you are living for
God. Brother Branch’s
words were straight and to the point.
You as a Christian need to be living for God, sharing His
Word, reading His Word, in short every waking minute you should be a
Christian that is not ashamed to admit that you are a child of
God’s. The greatest
Christians go through “Struggles”, so when you feel like you are
struggling and you can’t take another step.
Trust in God my friend you can, because God is with you
was one very special prayer request that touched my heart.
The couple is expecting their first child, and the gentleman
had just lost his job.
This couple is Mr. Richard Hatcher’s daughter and son-in-law.
They have such a strong testimony in how God has helped them
through struggles, and they know that it was God’s will for him to
move on in a new job direction.
I would like to ask that all pray for this young couple and
the upcoming birth of their first child.
Through God they can over come any obstacle that the devil
throws at them.
Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take a
stand against the devil’s schemes.
breakfast ended on a “High” note.
As we all stood in a circle with the young couple in the
middle you could feel God working through each struggle represented
in the room. God let’s
each of us have a struggle so we can reach higher for Him.
Honor, Praise and Glory must go to God for each blessing that was
received and for the “Struggles” that we all go through.
When you stop to think about it, this is only a stopping
point in our journey to heaven.
And all rewards are in heaven, so the next time you are going
through a struggle just thank God.
And He will say, “Well done my good and faithful child well
Creating the Future
Of Hands Up
Tom Meadows
I am proud and humbled this morning to be a Christian.
I was really moved by a program I saw on INSP.
The catch phrase that caught my attention was "Creating the
Future". With God
we have a great future and He is excited about our future. (Jeremiah
29:11 and 2 Timothy 1:12)
In order to have a future we must speak the future just as we
dream and speak the dream into existence.
Instead of asking for the fire of revival, I speak in the
name of Jesus the revival that is coming to Hands Up.
We know He has a plan to do everything for us so we believe
and become persuaded that He will keep all that we commit to Him.
With this revelation we put ourselves last in order that
others become first and let the fire of revival fall through the
power and glory that works in us by Him.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for
you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
2 Timothy 1:12
For the which cause I also
suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom
I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which
I have committed unto him against that day.
I thank you Jesus for choosing us.
You are counting on us, give us the fire not to fail.
Update on "THE LIGHT" An Outreach Ministry of Hands Up THE LIGHT
Second Quarter 2002
I call you my
Brothers and Sisters to be WATCHMAN as Ezekiel tell us to be in
Ezekiel 33:1-6. Stand tall on the wall and be a faithful Watchman.
Call out to the lost souls to be warned that the day of the Lord is
coming. They must repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior
this day.
The battle line
between good and evil has been raging since the beginning of
creation and it rages on today. You have joined God’s Army and you
are going to “fight the good fight”.
Prayer is the extra protection God allows us to offer when
areas of attack in our church, family, company and its employees
need guarding. Getting together in prayer offers more protection
than if you pray separately. Greater things for the Glory of God can
be accomplished when individuals join together to fight the battle.
In Ecclesiastes 4:12, it tells us that a cord of three strands is
not easily broken – this same truth concerning the need for each
other’s prayers.
I just pray that
many more will heed a call from God to join us in doing His will.
the Right Mate
from Debbie Gear
18:22 says that He who finds a wife finds a good thing….
MEN find women. Women
should not be out trying to find a man!
HOWER, once found, the woman can then choose to be with the
man or to wait to be found by a different man.
20:6 states, Who can find a faithful man?
The fact that the question is asked is indicative of the fact
that there are not many faithful men out there.
However, there is good news.
The good news is that JESUS knows where the faithful men are!
New Collegiate Dictionary offers several excellent definitions of
the word faithful:
scriptures say that a faithful man is difficult to find. God is
saying that it is hard to find a man(woman) with the qualities in
letters a, b, c, and d.
However, wouldn't you LOVE to have a man (woman) with the qualities
listed above? They are
rare. But GOD knows where such men (women) are located.
Turn in
your Bible to Ephesians 5:23. Scripture states, "... for the husband
is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is
the Savior of the body.
Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives
be to their own husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the
church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse
her with the washing of water by the word. That He might present her
to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such
thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."
go back and re-read that passage. God is offering us a blueprint on
what to look for in a mate. Let's pick that scripture apart.
The husband must love his wife as Christ loves the Church.
That is a
tough one! Look at the degree to which God loves His Church! He died
for the Church (the entire body of Christ).
How does God love us?
He is kind, patient and nurturing to the Church. Those are
the qualities you need to search for when determining who to marry.
The husband must sanctify, cleanse and wash his wife with the
Word of God.
only a born-again man can wash you with the Word of God.
Think about the dating ritual. Boy meets girl, they date,
start to care deeply, and the subject of sex pops up.
HOW will the man handle it? God says that it is the responsibility
of the man to see to it that he presents a woman clean and holy. If
he is fornicating with her, how can he present her as clean and
holy? Sex outside the marriage bond is dirty.
Therefore, if you find yourself with a man trying to fornicate
with you,
you have the wrong man.
God says that He presents the Church (His Bride) without spot,
wrinkle or blemish.
Your future husband must present you at the altar without spot,
wrinkle or blemish.
Choosing the Right
Mate (continued)
Furthermore, even if you become weak and want to fornicate, he must
be able to WASH you with God's Word. He is responsible for you! This
is important. Please listen so that you don't end up miserable.
Ephesians, 5:31 the scripture states that, "...For this reason a man
shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the
two shall become one flesh.
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and
the church..."
God hates
divorce. However, He
also hates abuse. God
does not want you physically or mentally abused.
He certainly does not want you disrespected by a man (woman)
committing adultery against you.
Too many women (men) in this country, in their quest for a
mate are settling with people who are not worthy of them.
The reason so many people are in unhappy marriages is that
they latched onto the wrong person to please society, family or
friends. Now they are
stuck with a mean, unaffectionate, or abusive mate.
It is not
too late for you. If you pick the right mate from the beginning, you
will not end up hurt and miserable (divorced).
Listen carefully, GOD says that when you marry, you become
ONE with that person. God no longer sees you as separate, but He
sees you and your mate as ONE person.
We cannot
fully comprehend it because God says it's a great mystery!
Think about your boy/girlfriend. Do you see yourself becoming
ONE with them? If you
have problems after
Now you
know what to look for! Too many people are getting married multiple
times. God is not pleased with that. He sees it as adultery. It is
His will that we marry once, create a family with that one person,
and be happy.... ecstatic in that marriage.
The scriptures also states, the man shall leave his parents.
Check out
the family of the man that you are considering marrying!
Are they always leaning on him, trying to borrow his money?
Are you in agreement with them always calling him to the house to
take care of their personal problems? Guess what? It will not end
after marriage.
If he is
giving them money now, he will continue after marriage. If his
family is leaching off of him now, they will after marriage. The
question is, can you handle it? If not, now is the time to discuss
the problem. Don't wait. Too many men refuse to leave their father
and mother. Too many women refuse to leave their parents. Extended
families are famous for breaking up marriages.
NOW is
the time to get the problems straight. Finally, how attracted are
you to your future spouse?
Please do not marry if there is a shadow of a doubt that you
are totally attracted to them physically.
Too many women lose their husbands because after marriage
they stop having sex.
reason many women stop having sex is because their husbands are
cold, rude and abusive.
If you are married to a man who has the qualifications of the
"faithful man" listed above in this article, you will be attracted
to him forever, emotionally and physically!
Women who do not want sex with their husbands are women who
married the wrong man.
ladies; do not marry the wrong man. Wait. In Solomon 3:4, it is
said, "I found him whom my soul loves."
The reason she found the one whom her soul loves is that she
was PATIENT! Luke 21:19 says, "...in your patience possess ye your
soul." The
interpretation of that for a single person is that if you are
patient, you will meet the one whom your soul loves. |