“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …” (Psalms 107:2)
Exaltation |
Volume 4 Issue 2
October 2003 |
Servant Team – Leaders:
Tom Meadows, Ruth Johnson,
Richard Hatcher, Delois Maddox,
Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team
Fund Coordinator:
Newsletter Staff:
Witherspoon, Lou Dalton
If you would like a copy of this
newsletter, contact Tom Meadows and give him your home and/or e-mail
PRAISE the Lord!!
In 2003 – God Has A Promise
In 2002 our call to service
was Stepping up in 2002 – God Has Plan.
We accomplished many things for the Lord.
We started. Hands Up Ministry meetings on “B” Shift with Roy
Campbell as leader and on “C” Shift with Jackie Hager as leader.
This year our charge has been Standing in 2003 – God Has A
Promise. This year we
have gone through some transition by some people moving on to other
things and creating new opportunities for others to serve.
We started Hands Up Ministry meetings at the Gateway with
Mike West as leader.
The Servant Team added Roy Campbell as a member to fill a
Our Prayer Ministry under
the leadership of Karen Page and Margie Jasper has been the key
ingredient for the success of this ministry.
Their faithfulness to have a prayer time at noon on Wednesday
on a rotating basis at the OC and MC has been very powerful.
God has heard the cry of His people and done marvelous
things. As a leader I
have seen a gradual falling away from the fire that many had for
this ministry and our attendance has been lower than in the past but
the meetings have been more powerful than at any time in the past.
I recall once such meeting at the MC.
As we were scheduled to meet in the Multipurpose Room,
someone had taken it and we started congregating in the hall and the
longer we waited, the more people showed up.
Finally we moved to the East Wing Basement Conference Room
and as soon as we entered the room, I remember the Holy Spirit moved
in power and the Glory fell.
God has many more of these Glory filled meetings scheduled
for Hands Up Ministry.
While the enemy loves to see you find reasons for not attending, the
Father would love for you to have the determination to attend and be
a part of what God is doing at PM.
As we look toward completing our fourth year of ministry, it
is all because of the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ and the faithful service of those that have heard His voice
and answered the call.
What is your gift? Use
if for Jesus at PM through Hands Up Ministry.
Tom Meadows
Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and
publishers. Anyone
interested in serving God through this publication, please contact
us. .
Philippians 3: 9 -12
Charles Stanley says that you will know Christ in a deeper, more
meaningful way if you are willing to:
Study Scripture:
This is where
Christ is revealed, and it is the predominant method by which we
hear from God.
Spend time alone with Him in prayer and meditation.
You can talk to Him, pouring out your praise, worship,
concerns, and requests.
Take time to meditate on His truths and how to apply them to your
life also is an opening for God to speak to you.
Be willing to trust Him.
Trusting Him for the outcome you must believe that whatever
He leads you to do is for your best.
Be willing to obey Him.
Not only must you believe Him in His leading, but you must
step out in faith and take the action toward which He has led you.
Observe how He works in your life and in others’ lives.
Keeping a journal will help you remember how faithful He has
been to you and the people for whom you pray.
Look for evidence of Christ in every circumstance.
He controls all things and if you patiently and prayerfully
wait on His timing, His work will be revealed.
Lay aside everything in life that conflicts with your
loyalty and devotion to Him.
This includes sin, rebellion, and disobedience.
“A rule I have had for years is:
to treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal friend”.
D. L. Moody
Seeking In 2004
God Has A Presence
Leadership Workshop & Dinner
December 6, 2003
Towerlight Faith Center
Powhatan, Virginia
This sit
down dinner is being sponsored by the generosity of the Lord to say
thanks to the Leaders of the Hands Up Ministry.
We will be sharing where we have been, where we are and most
importantly where we need to go in 2004.
There is no formal agenda but we will have testimonies of
God’s Hand at work in our midst.
We will have some music, some memories, some worship and the
Word of the Lord. Our
special guests whom the Lord will impart vision and inspiration to
us will be
Dr. Larry and Pastor Jane Briggs
Pastors, Emmaus Fellowship Church.
Meat Loaf
Meat Balls With Mushroom Sauce
Mash Potatoes With Gravy
String Beans
Broccoli And Cheese
Ice Tea or Coffee
If you
would like to attend as member of HUM or as a guest of someone else
the cost is $15. Please
contact Tom Meadows by December 1st. |
More Than A Mission
By Sandra
There are no
words to express my gratitude for the opportunity to travel to the
Dominican Republic to server as a missionary for Christ.
We left the United States with the goal of building a church
in the Aguas Blancas community; however, we soon realized we were
building much more…
Establishing a foundation upon which to build…
The men from our mission team worked together with brothers and
sisters in Christ with whom communication was a challenge but
communion came naturally.
As the men began digging into the soil, they realized the
foundation beneath the site was primarily coral reef.
As they soon discovered, coral reef is very durable.
Coral reefs are built by corals which are themselves tiny
animals that secrete a hard calcium carbonate skeleton that
accumulate to form coral reefs.
The parallel between the coral and Christ was overwhelming.
Just as the coral lives, so too does Christ and it is He who
provides the firm foundation four our faith.
“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock
eternal.” Isaiah 26:4
Building into the lives of others, as well as ourselves…..
By investing our time, energy, and skills into the lives of others
each team member began to realize how small our contributions were
when compared to God’s investment in us.
As Americans, we have a tendency to take many things for
granted……a place to worship, a secure house to which we can retreat
at the end of a hard day, etc.
However, when in the presence of others who have much less
materially, but who worship and give thanks to God so passionately,
one begins to wonder which group has the greatest need.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they
will be filled.”
Matthew 5:6 NIV
I strongly encourage you to volunteer for a
mission trip at least once in your life.
I am convinced you will not return the same.
I didn’t.
Sandy Witherspoon
By Tom Meadows
Teresa Jackson Memorial Church Aguas Blancas at Villa Progresso La Romana, Dominican Republic April 5 – 12, 2003
On April 5, 2003, Four ladies and ten men
departed Richmond headed for the Dominican Republic to build a
concrete church that would replace a worn and beaten metal chapel
plus give added space for the growing congregation.
Though these people are poor by any standards they are
spiritually rich by God’s standard.
It is such a blessing to view this beautiful finished church
that Hands Up Ministry had a part in building to the Glory of God
and in memory and honor or our Sister Teresa Jackson.
You see “little is much when God is in it, labor not for
wealth or fame, there is crown and you can win it if you go in
Jesus’ name.” It is
amazing to me that it all starts with a dream or vision.
I remember in 2000 just as we were starting Hands Up Ministry
several different people mentioned they would be going on some type
of missions trips and we heard from a few of them at our meetings
after they returned. I
remember showing my missions slide presentation one day and I knew
then that I would be going back to the DR to build another church.
It was also a blessing for Tom Meadows, Sr. |
Update on "THE LIGHT" An Outreach Ministry of Hands Up
Ronnie Waddell
Quarter 2003
“We do not want you…to grieve like the rest of men. Who have no
1 Thessalonians 4:13
The Lord has wiped the tears from our eyes, healed our broken hearts
and was always beside us when we could not see Him during the trials
of life here at Park.
Have you noticed that life is filled with quandaries that the Bible
never specifically addresses? I believe this is the reason God
created small groups like “Hands Up”. We have loving Brothers and
Sisters to encourage and support us during those times we face
dilemmas in our lives. We demonstrate love for the members by
protecting them as Jesus did His disciples:
being with them, praying for their needs, and helping them
understand how God’s Word relates to their lives and struggles.
Sharing love can be as simple as giving people a chance to share
what’s on their heart. We are reaching out to the hurting people at
Park and asking God to show us how to let the person know that we
care and that Jesus loves them.
Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.
Ye are the light of the world. |
When the
idea is not right, God says, "NO".
No - when
the idea is not the best.
No - when
the idea is absolutely wrong.
No - when
though it may help you, it would create problems for someone else.
When the
time is not right, God says, "SLOW".
What a catastrophe it would be if God answered
every prayer at the snap of your fingers.
Do you
know what would happen?
God would
become your servant, not your master.
God would be working for you instead of you working for God.
When you
are not right, God says,” GROW".
selfish person has to grow in unselfishness.
cautious person must grow in courage.
The timid
person must grow in confidence; The dominating person must grow in
critical person must grow in tolerance.
negative person must grow in positive attitudes.
pleasure-seeking person must grow in compassion for suffering
everything is all right, God says,” GO".
miracles happen:
hopeless alcoholic is set free.
A drug
addict finds release.
A doubter
becomes a child in his belief.
tissue responds to treatment, and healing begins.
The door
to your dream suddenly swings open and there stands God saying,
delays are not God's denials.
timing is perfect.
is what we need in prayer.
All I
Ever Need To Know I Learned From Noah’s Ark
miss the boat.
that we are all in the same boat.
ahead. It wasn’t
raining when Noah built the Ark.
Stay fit.
When you’re 600 years old, someone may ask you to do
something really big.
listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
your future on high ground.
We were
meant to travel in pairs.
It was planned that way.
isn’t everything. The
snails were on board with the cheetahs.
When you
are stressed, float awhile.
the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.
No matter
what the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow
Unknown |
for the following people:
Fellow Co-workers Hands
Up Staff
Family & Friends
America Our
Four Weed & Seed Families Pray
for these needs:
Revival of God ‘s people An
outpouring of the Holy Spirit The
Holy Presence of God
Workers for the harvest
1 Peter 5:7
all your anxiety on him,
because he cares for you"
If you need prayer contact
Karen Page and Margie Jasper or any member of the Twelve Disciples
or the Servant Team
Five Great Lessons (continued)
Fourth Important Lesson ~ The Obstacle in Our Path
Do Nothing
Get Motivated
I hope that you will choose No. 2 and remember to:
Work like you don't need the money.
Weed &
Hands Up Ministry with the
help of the Lord and God’s people will sponsor four families at
Christmas. We do this
not to the glory of man or company but the Glory of the Lord and in
an act of thankfulness to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for
his goodness and his wonderful works to the children of men.
1 John 3:17
- But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need,
and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the
love of God in him?
Weed &
Seed of Richmond, Inc. is one of the original Weed & Seed programs
funded by the US Department of Justice in 1992.
W&S of Richmond Inc. is a non-for-profit service provider,
officially recognized and accredited by the Department of Justice.
The focus is to offer quality prevention and intervention
programs for families provide technical assistance and serve as a
support resource that facilitates collaborations in the Blackwell,
Gilpin and Whitcomb communities.
purpose is to create healthier and safer communities through
collaborative efforts with residents and service providers within
the community through a comprehensive strategy of:
Weed -
Law enforcement to decrease violent crimes and drug activity.
Community policing approaches, which engage citizens in crime
Seed -
Adult and youth oriented prevention and intervention programs
Economic revitalization and neighborhood restoration.
Up’s part in this endeavor is to support the involvement of our
employer in this worthy cause.
commitment in 2001 is to support the needs of two families at
Christmas. Our purpose
is to answer the high calling of our Lord to serve others.
Check our website
www.hands-up-ministry.org for our Christmas page to keep up with
what we are doing and how you can help.
Galatians 6:9/10
- And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall
reap, if we faint not.
As we
have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially
unto them who are of the household of faith.
Matthew 25:45
- Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch
as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
Weed &
Seed Of Richmond
901 East
Cary Street
Virginia 23219-4030
Brooks, Director
Battlefield of the Mind
.....we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the
obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, the mind is the battlefield. We are in a
war, but it is a spiritual war that must be fought spiritually with
spiritual weapons.
Say This:
Negative situations are not permanent, so why should we allow our
minds to be permanently ruled by them?
Proverbs 23:7
- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:
Jeremiah 17:9
- The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:
who can know it?
Corinthians 10:12
- Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he
God made us a family.
We need each other. We
love one another and forgive one another.
We work together and play together.
We worship together and use God’s Word together.
Together we grow in Christ and learn to love all men.
Together we serve our God and seek to know His will.
These are our hopes and ideals.
Lord, we ask for grace to
attain them.
Amen |
Lou Dalton It was an old-time country funeral.
Quiet and simple.
The quiet broken by the singing and no one sang on key.
Just voices all singing to a different beat.
There were old faces and new faces; there were noises of the
restless children; there were sobs from those whose reality had just
sunk in; and there were even a few laughs from those trying too hard
not to cry. The chapel
was full and yet there were only a hand full I could have named, but
the common thread lay in the coffin.
Appearing to be still, lifeless, even dead.
He was the thread that wove us all together.
His 97 years had been good years yet many would have said he
died a dirt poor country farmer with no wealth or riches to leave
his children. His life,
however, had touched each of us in a way that we in our own way
would never forget.
Dead as he might have been he was still alive. They told me of his last hours.
How I wish I had been there.
How his daughters, sons, granddaughters, and
great-granddaughters took turns lying beside him, holding his hands,
and singing gospel songs.
How he lifted his hands in motion as if directing a 100
member choir and how he moaned for them to begin again whenever they
stopped. They said ever
so often he would gaze upward, lift his arms and hands as high as
his feeble shaking hands would go and get a look on his face as if
he had seen the Almighty God Himself.
CARRY NOTHING OUT (continued) They were sure he was leaving them at that
moment, but suddenly he would swing his arms and beckon them to
sing, sing, sing. (They
weren’t sure at all if it was them he was directing or an angelic
host.) One life was
ushered into those streets of gold to live forever with a new body,
new voice, new choir and His Saviour. As we sat at the Chapel that day each of us
knowing we had been “touched by an angel”, our Papa, I believe each
of us probably left there wanting to be a little like him.
Whatever he had that made sons, daughters, granddaughters and
great-granddaughters sing him into those pearly gates I wanted.
The Bible Says “we brought nothing into this world and it is
certain we can carry nothing out.” (1 Tim. 6:7)
Obviously, there’s a whole lot we can leave behind . . .
lives changed by our lives . . . woven together by our love.
Sitting at that simple, country funeral of one man who chose
the love of God, I vowed to reflect often on what thread I’m
weaving. Who will sing
me into those gates?
Will my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren “rise up and
call me blessed”. I
came into this world with nothing and I’ll be taking nothing out . .
. but by the grace of God I can leave something.
Submitted by Lou Dalton in honor of
her uncle, Gilmer Crews, who passed away in November 2002.
His granddaughter, Linda Matthews relayed this story.