“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …” (Psalms 107:2)
Exaltation |
Volume 6 Issue 1
April 2005 |
The Servant Team – Leaders:
Tom Meadows, Ruth Johnson, Ivan Pope, Delois Maddox,
Richard Hatcher-Emeritus
The Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team
George Foreman, Ivan Pope, Janet Taylor, Juanita Langley, Margie
Jasper, Denise Warren, Karen Page, Tom Meadows, Pam Barden, Ronnie
Waddell, Deedre Dickerson and Tee Williams
Love Fund Coordinator:
Mary Tinnell
Newsletter Staff:
Witherspoon, and
If you would like a copy of this newsletter, contact Tom Meadows and
give him your home and/or e-mail address. |
the Lord!!
Tom Meadows
Serving in 2005 – God Has A People
“Recycling your excitement into expectation.”
I was
privileged to be attending our HUM meeting on April 7th
at the
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that
he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he
spoken, and shall he not make it good?
The Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and publishers. Anyone interested in serving God through this publication, please contact us. |
Prayer Ministry
one thing that holds this ministry and our work together is our
prayer ministry headed up by Karen Page and Margie Jasper.
Did you know that we hold a noon prayer meeting every
Wednesday at the location of the weekly Thursday meeting.
Did you know that our prayer register has over 200 requests
to date? Each of the
names is called out to the Lord everyday not just on Wednesday.
It is a humbling thing to call out 200 plus names to the Lord
knowing that you need as much prayer as any of these names.
Many people will be touched by the Lord through Hands Up
Ministry who otherwise might never attend church.
Behold I
make all
things new.
If you
need prayer contact Karen Page or Margie Jasper or any member of the
Twelve Disciples or the Servant Team |
Are You Available?
Hands Up Meetings
United Christians of Alleghany Warehouse Company:
12:45 PM – 1 PM
“The Light” at Park 500:
12 PM – 1 PM
M/C “C” Shift: 2
AM – 3 AM
M/C “B” Shift: 7 PM
– 8 PM
Thursdays (Noon – 1:00 PM):
Alternates between Operations Center, Finance Center and
Manufacturing Center
Manufacturing Center – Apr
28, May 12, May 26, June 9, 23 & 30, July 14 & 28
Center – May 5, June 2, July 7
Operations Center – Apr 21, May 19, June 16, July 21
Headquarters HUM
Each week we have a member who sends out a weekly scripture verse
for us to ponder. Like so many departments, we have too much
on our plate and it's been difficult to sit down together to have
weekly meetings. So, we overcome that obstacle by reading the
verses that are delivered to our e-mail each week and then when
we're at the water cooler or pass each other in the hall, we share
how the Lord spoke to us. We have been amazed at how
our distribution list is growing and people that we thought were not
interested have joined - PTL! -
Valerie Agnew |
Investment For An Eternity
By Tom
Meadows, Sr.
Aguas Blancas - Project 2006
Hands Up Ministry in partnership with
We currently have raised our $6000 in candy sales, contributions and
pledges. Our $6000
commitment was paid on
December 31, 2004. The money is being held in an interest bearing
account and will only be used for this church building or it will be
refunded in the spring.
As of this writing we have four HUM members, one spouse and one
daughter committed to go and represent Hands Up Ministry.
I would encourage anyone who reads this to prayerfully
considering sacrificing your time to go on this trip.
If finances are an issue the Lord will work that out but you
must be willing to commit yourself to the trip.
Invest in the future and eternity for yourself and others by
contributing to this church.
1 John 3:17
But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need,
and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the
love of God in him?
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and
who will go for us? Then said I, here am I; send Me.
Work & Witness
We serve the one and only mighty God who can do anything but fail.
Hallelujah Thank You Jesus. When the Lord speaks to you and
you answer "yes", please let us know.
Would you like to go on a mission trip? Is your church planning a
mission trip that could use some more workers? |
Jesus Day 2005
As our annual observance of Jesus Day, Hands Up Ministry will have a
fellowship breakfast and worship service on
May 14, 2005
8:00 AM Until 12:00 Noon
The Celebration Center
Phone 423-6543 For more information contact Pastor Jeremiah
Worship music will be provided by
Misty Alford and Crossroads
Misty's Testimony
"I've been in music all my life and am the wife of a Minister
(Pastor Joe Alford). I am a mother of three beautiful girls
(Loran, Makayla, and Jadyn). I received Jesus Christ as my
Lord and Savior about the age of ten. God has called and
anointed me to spread the good news about Him through music.
He has called me to be a praise and worship leader not only to my
local church, CROSSROADS , but to the generations. My passion
is to see God's people tap into the power of praise and worship, so
that they might walk in freedom and fullness of joy every day of
their lives. As for the group, we really don't have a name
yet. We've been playing together for about eight months at
church and are truly experiencing the awesome blessings of God
during our services.
Hands Up Ministry
Love Fund
By: Tom Meadows
What is the HUM Love Fund?
I am glad you asked.
In 2000 when HUM
was started there was a need to minister to our Brothers and Sisters
during times of sickness and bereavement.
As a result of this need and the opportunity to witness to
our fellow co-workers, we starting taking donations to fund such an
effort. In the past all
that has been done to raise funds is to take up donations at our
weekly meetings. As I
thought about writing about the Love Fund, I went back through the
records that have been developed, updated and administered by Mary
Tinnell. I was amazed
at what God has done through HUM.
From January 2000 to date we have shared the love of Jesus by
spending $4111.29 to minister to hundreds of people.
I myself have benefited from this fund when my mother-in-law
passed away on January 1, 2005.
One of the biggest blessings I have seen through this fund
was when we sent flowers to a co-worker when his brother passed
away. This employee is not a part of HUM but once he was touched, he
donated $100 to the fund.
“Little is much when God is in it.”
If you would like to be a blessing to someone else in Jesus’
name then please donate to this fund.
For more information please contact Tom Meadows.
Special thanks to Mary Tinnell for her
faithful service. |
Local Work & Witness Project
May 28, 2005
4000 Anderson Highway
Powhatan Virginia 23139
Pastor: Rev. Shirley Eggleston
Hands Up Ministry is sponsoring a local
Work & Witness team to paint Towerlight Faith Center in Powhatan,
Virginia. The workday
will start at in the morning at 8:00 AM.
Lunch will be provided at the church by HUM.
This church is truly an anointed work of the Lord.
Rev. Eggleston and her family minister to all people but
especially to the residents of the Powhatan Home for the
underprivileged. They
personally go to the Home and pick up the members.
Many of the members have no family support.
All of the support for this church is provided by the Lord
through people like you and I who have a heart for helping others.
God has truly been faithful to this church and its mission.
If you really want to experience a soul stirring blessing
then you ought to make plans to attend a Sunday service at 11:00 AM
and see worship that will humble the most spiritual of us.
The Egglestons have not sought out our help but the Lord
spoke to me as I worshipped with the church on April 10, 2005.
What better way for us to serve our fellow man, especially
the household of faith according to the scriptures, by doing this
project. As a man of
faith, I also am a realist and knowing many will be called but few
will respond, but those are the few we need.
“Show me someone who loves God and I will be looking at
someone who is busy about the Father’s business.”
“If you love me, feed my sheep.”
“But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only.”
I want to be a part of this not that God will bless me but
that I might bless the Lord oh my soul and bless the Egglestons who
are the most humble servants of God that I know. |
Ronnie Waddell
First Quarter 2005; Update on work
at the OC.
Under the guidance of Ruth Johnson,
we have been brought together to work at the OC.
God placed us here to care for His flock by encouraging the
hurting and reaching the lost.
His plan is for the salvation of all. It’s a plan to give
hope and drive away fear.
The Word of God tells us,
"He will have no fear of
bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord''
(Psalm 112:7).
Fear is the opposite of trust.
The devil continually tries to get us to be fearful.
Many people shall not overcome fear, but be overcome by it.
As Christians, we are not to be fearful but are to trust in
the Lord. Should Satan
come against us with his lies and fear, we are to turn to God and
ask that the fear be removed.
People's fears are many.
Some fear death, others are afraid of getting sick, afraid of
losing their loved ones, afraid of losing their house, afraid of
having car wrecks or afraid of flying in airplanes, afraid of the
future. Others are
tormented with the fear of the dark, fear of being molested or fear
of being left alone.
Fear is a horrible monster no matter what form it takes.
We should always trust God to remove our fears.
As we listen to the Holy Spirit and
we obey, He will then drive the "spirit of fear'' from us.
If we are simply overcoming a weakness of fear in our flesh,
submitting to God and resisting the devil will accomplish the
victory. We should not
be discouraged if we do not get the victory the first time.
It sometimes takes several bouts with the devil to win the
round. If we lose one
battle, it does not mean we are losing the war.
The Lord will bring the victory if we persevere and have
chosen to trust God and not to fear.
But we must remember that it will be His timing - not ours. One of the
greatest fears people are fighting at this time is fear of financial
loss and fear of the future since many of the prophets of God are
declaring times of trouble and tribulation in the U.S.A. and the
world. The Lord knew
the hour we would be living in and we can rest assured He has a plan
of protection and provision for all of His committed people.
What we must all do is to seek the Lord with our whole heart
and get His plan for our individual lives since these are perilous
The only safe place for any of us
is in the will of God!
If we are in His will we will find His provision and direction.
He wants to speak to us.
However, we must be close to Him to hear.
In the physical world the
farther away you are in distance from someone, the harder time you
have in being able to hear them.
The same principle applies to the Spirit world.
Hearing God is a matter of closeness.
I pray
for the Spirit to set our hearts on fire for the Lord and start a
revival of the Hands –Up- Ministry here at the OC.
Please keep us in your prayers as we strive to do His work.
And may all the glory and honor be given to Him through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
one who loves me The
one who hates me The
one who doesn’t know I’m there The
one who listens for my footsteps The
one who doesn’t even care You
saw each of them in Your suffering You
knew each of them by name You
love each of them with a perfect love,
They’re the reason why You came. Lord,
please help me remember As I
go about my way
You’re not willing to let the least of these Slip
away Lord,
please remind me every morning
Before my day’s begun No
matter how they treat me - You
love every one.
Mona Eno |