“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …” (Psalms 107:2)
Exaltation |
Volume 6 Issue 2
September 2005 |
The Servant Team – Leaders:
Tom Meadows, Ruth Johnson, Ivan Pope, Delois Maddox,
Richard Hatcher-Emeritus
The Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team
Foreman, Ivan Pope, Janet Taylor, Juanita Langley, Margie Jasper,
Denise Warren, Karen Page, Tom Meadows, Pam Barden, Ronnie Waddell,
Deedre Dickerson and Tee Williams
Love Fund Coordinator:
Mary Tinnell
Newsletter Staff:
Sandra Witherspoon, and
If you would like a copy of this newsletter, contact Tom Meadows and
give him your home and/or e-mail address. |
the Lord!!
Tom Meadows
Serving in 2005 – God
Has A People
When GOD Doesn’t Make Sense
Take Steps Through The Storm
Perhaps you find yourself in a
situation that makes no sense---facing an unwanted divorce, dealing
with an addiction, grieving over a lost or prodigal child.
Your heart’s cry may be “How can I trust God…when the world
seems to be crumbling beneath my feet?”
I want to offer some simple steps to help you find your
footing when life has knocked you “off balance.”
Continue to obey God—even
when you don’t understand your circumstances.
Keep doing what He’s given you to do.
Don’t turn back on those things that bring you joy.
If you are ministering to others, stick with it.
Keep reading the Bible, even when it seems as if reading
doesn’t do any good.
Stay involved and allow God to minister to you.
Trust God beyond what you can see.
There’s a song that
says, “When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.”
That’s exactly right!
Trust the nature of God more than your own understanding.
Refuse to believe that your life is over or that nothing good
can come from your trouble.
Trusting God is based on His everlasting love for you—never
on what is going on around you.
Make Romans 8:38/39 your theme.
Continued on page 3
Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and
publishers. Anyone
interested in serving God through this publication, please contact
Sandra Witherspoon (274-3097) or |
If you need prayer contact Karen Page
or Margie Jasper or any member of the Twelve Disciples or the
Servant Team
“Miracles Now”
The inspiration of the Holy
Spirit to me has been “Miracles Now”.
On August 29, 2005 while at home on a Medical LOA, the Lord
had me write down the date 082905 beside a man’s name (Steve) who
had been battling brain tumors and is on the prayer list.
I did not understand why.
The two scriptures from my devotionals were the same.
If though wouldst believe, thou would see the Glory of the
Lord.” I asked which
miracle would we see.
Two weeks later while visiting a friend’s church guess who came to
church for the first time in months.
I have known Steve and his wife since they were kids.
I was thrilled to see him.
During the service Steve stood to testify and in his words
echoed his acceptance that he was going to not make it.
He told the church that he had went to the doctor and got a
bad report that the tumors were coming back.
The date he went to the doctor was August 29, 2005.
I could not wait to stand and tell everyone especially Steve
that man may have given him a bad report but God had given him a
good one. I briefly
spoke with the couple after church and shared how God had sent them
a ray of hope. I asked
that they attend one of our Friday home prayer meetings or invite us
to their house to pray for healing.
Neither has happened; however on the next Sunday the wife
came running to me and said has the pastor told you the news.
She was beaming.
Steve went to the doctor on his birthday, October 10 and the report
is the tumors are not coming back.
Praise the Lord.
He has been doing many miracles because we have heard the
word of the Lord and we believe and we want to see the Glory of the
Are You Available?
Hands Up Meetings
United Christians of
Alleghany Warehouse Company:
12:20 PM – 12:50 PM
“The Light” at Park 500:
12 PM – 1 PM
M/C “C” Shift:
2 AM – 3 AM
M/C “B” Shift:
7 PM – 8 PM
Thursdays (Noon –
1:00 PM):
Alternates between Operations Center, Finance Center and
Manufacturing Center
Center – Sept 22, Sept 29, Oct 13,
Oct 27, Nov 10, Dec 8 and Dec 22
Finance Center – Oct 6, Nov 3 and
Dec 1
Operations Center – Oct 20, Nov 17,
and Dec 15
Headquarters HUM
Cabarrus HUM
Gateway HUM (Reborn)
BL Plant HUM
We are still praying for these sites to get started but we realize
until someone hears God’s call, it will not happen.
Prayer Ministry
one thing that holds this ministry and our work together is our
prayer ministry headed up by Karen Page and Margie Jasper.
Did you know that we hold a noon prayer meeting every
Wednesday at the location of the weekly Thursday meeting.
Did you know that our prayer register has about 300 requests
to date? Each of the
names is called out to the Lord everyday not just on Wednesday.
It is a humbling thing to call out 300 names to the Lord
knowing that you need as much prayer as any of these names.
Many people will be touched by the Lord through Hands Up
Ministry who otherwise might never attend church.
Investment For An Eternity
By Tom Meadows, Sr.
El Curro - Project
Hands Up Ministry, in
partnership with
Tentative dates are
April – April 8 (one week), April 8-15 (one week) and April 1-15
(two weeks). Cost per
week is around $950 and $1250 for two weeks all included.
I will confirm as soon as I can.
As of this writing we
have four HUM members, one spouse and one daughter committed to go
and represent Hands Up Ministry.
I would encourage anyone who reads this to prayerfully
considering sacrificing your time to go on this trip.
If finances are an issue the Lord will work that out but you
must be willing to commit yourself to the trip.
Invest in the future
and eternity for yourself and others by contributing to this church.
1 John 3:17
But whoso hath this
world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his
bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the
voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for
us? Then said I, here am I; send Me.
Work & Witness
We serve the one and
only mighty God who can do anything but fail. Hallelujah Thank
You Jesus. When the Lord speaks to you and you answer
"yes", please let us know.
Would you like to go
on a mission trip? Is your church planning a mission trip that could
use some more workers?
Recognize these moments as
opportunities to know God more intimately.
There is such sweet
fellowship when you come to God broken, even desperate.
When you have nothing to offer He meets you with the fullness
of Who He is. Intimacy
is forged when we reveal our deepest disappointments and broken
dreams. Then like Paul,
we can cry out…:
Philippians 3:8
Ask God to show you new things.
Even in the midst
of overwhelming circumstance, hope can spring forth!
The pain of your past can become the fuel for your future.
Isaiah say:
Behold the former things have come to pass, now I declare new
things; before they spring forth…………
While Jesus was on the Cross, He
cried out to God, “Why have you forsaken me?”
Yet God’s greatest plan was about to be fulfilled!
A new thing—the redemption of mankind—was about to forth.
Hebrews 12:2 explains:
Jesus…..for the joy set before Him endured the Cross……………….
The joy before Him was you….and me.
When you want to give up because life doesn’t make sense; when
you’re tempted to doubt God’s love for you when you just don’t
understand….remember Jesus, Who for the joy set before Him endured
and triumphed! Life
happens…..to all of us.
Let’s focus on Jesus’ promise:
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world.
Stick with what you know:
God is faithful, He is just, and He promised never to forsake
Marilyn Hickey
Hands Up Ministry
Love Fund
By: Tom Meadows
Love Fund update.
To date in six years we have spent over $4500 in
demonstrating the love of God to our Brother and Sisters in need and
bereavement. Thanks for
every contribution you have ever made.
It is recorded in Heaven |
"Everything You Need"
by Ron Hutchcraft
Scripture: Ephesians 2:10
Nobody thought Gladys Aylward was good enough. During the 1920s, she
had heard about the great spiritual need of China, and she sensed
God's strong call on her life to go there. But she was only a
chambermaid. When she applied to China Inland Mission in London,
they rejected her because she wasn't educated enough and was
probably too old to learn the language they said. But Gladys Aylward
made it to China and she made such a difference there that a number
of books have been written about her life. Hollywood even based a
major movie on her life, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness with an
Academy Award-winning actress portraying her. In her later years, as
she told her story to audiences in many places, they were surprised
to hear the commanding speech coming from this very tiny lady who
had to stand on a box to be seen over the pulpit. She said to them:
"As I was growing up, I had two great sorrows. First, as my friends
kept getting taller, I stopped growing. Secondly, as my friends grew
beautiful blonde curly hair, mine was straight black. Then I went to
China. As I looked over the people to whom Jehovah God had sent me,
I said to myself, 'These people have hair as black and straight as
mine ... and they stopped growing when I did.' I bowed my head and I
said, 'Lord God, you know what you were doing!" Yes, He does.
Much to her surprise, and much to everyone's surprise, little Gladys
Aylward had been equipped by God with everything she needed to carry
out His plan for her life. And so have you. I know that because He
says so in Ephesians 2:10, our word for today from the Word of God:
"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do."
(Dream Giver Scripture)
That's the message I've given to each of my grandchildren on the day
they were born. It's the message I hope will grip your heart and
help shape the rest of your life. God has created you for a destiny
and whether or not anyone else can see it, whether or not you've
seen it, you are God's workmanship. And don't tell me that God makes
things with parts missing or with mistakes in them. There are some
things God put you on this planet to do for Him.
He put you here to do. Maybe you've been under-living! You're
His workmanship, His masterpiece. This day, open yourself up to
Moses' God, to Gladys Aylward's God - the One who loves to use
ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him. Make this the
day that you surrender to everything that He wants you to be,
everything He wants you to do. And let the adventure begin!
Local Work & Witness
June 11, 2005
4000 Anderson
Powhatan Virginia 23139
Pastor: Rev. Shirley
Hands Up Ministry
sponsored a local Work & Witness team to paint Towerlight Faith
Center in Powhatan, Virginia on June 11, 2005.
The workday started in the morning at 8:00 AM.
Lunch was provided at the church by HUM.
This church is truly
an anointed work of the Lord.
Rev. Eggleston and her family minister to all people but
especially to the residents of the Powhatan Home for the
underprivileged. They
personally go to the Home and pick up the members.
Many of the members have no family support.
All of the support for this church is provided by the Lord
through people like you and I who have a heart for helping others.
God has truly been faithful to this church and its mission.
If you really want
to experience a soul stirring blessing then you ought to make plans
to attend a Sunday service at 11:00 AM and see worship that will
humble the most spiritual of us.
The Egglestons did not seek out our help but the Lord spoke
to me as I worshipped with the church on April 10, 2005.
As a man of faith, I also am a realist and knew many would be
called but few would respond, but those
few were just enough to get the job done.
A contribution was made to the church in the name of Hands Up
Ministry to redo the gable end in vinyl so they won’t have to be
painted. Thanks to my
Brothers and Sisters who gave that others might see Jesus through
this church and its leaders. |
Allow Me To
Encourage You
Provide by Marsha Hayes
Child of Mine, do not
give way to discouragement, for the enemy of your souls desires
greatly to discourage you. He is afraid of what I plan to do through
your life to bring glory to My name and to advance My kingdom.
So he tries to
discourage you by setting obstacles and hindrances in your path to
slow you down. He did this with My Son, Jesus, when He walked on
this earth. It should not be a surprise to you when he does the same
with you -- for as the Master is treated, so will His servants be
The devil wants you
to feel discouraged so that you will begin to disqualify yourself
from the things that I have ordained you to do. Your enemy wants you
to give up, to quit, to stop doing what I am doing, to stop
advancing My kingdom and bringing glory to My name. He does this by
trying to make you doubt that My plans for you are good, and by
making you doubt that I am both willing and able to accomplish these
good plans in your life. He brings disappointments along, hoping you
will choose to wallow in self pity instead of walking in obedience.
He wants to get your
eyes off of Me and onto the problem, that he might make you feel
overwhelmed by the size of it. He knows that the more you look at
the problem, the larger the problem will begin to look, until it
appears insurmountable. That is why he tries to direct your
attention from Me to the problem.
The best way to
resist his plans of discouragement against you is to keep your focus
on Me and allow Me to encourage you. For when you keep looking to Me
and keep your attention on Me, you will see how big and strong and
able and capable and mighty I am. You will see that all power and
authority belong to Me and that I am able to work My glory in every
situation. You will see that I am the God of all glory, that nothing
is too hard for Me, that no force on this earth is able to overcome
or defeat Me, or force Me to do something I don't want to do, or
prevent Me from doing something that I choose to do. You will see
that I am mighty and that I am still in control. And this truth will
bring peace to your heart, comfort to your soul, and joy to your
innermost being.
(Allow Me To
Encourage You continued)
Child, My peace does
not come from placing you in peaceful circumstances; My peace comes
from My presence with you and My care of you. Likewise, My joy does
not come from My placing you in joyful circumstances; it is
independent of circumstances. It comes from My Spirit living within
you, working the fruit of His presence in your life. You are not
dependent on your circumstances for peace and joy; you are dependent
on Me and I do not fail you when an obstacle is thrown in your path.
I will help you overcome that obstacle in a manner that will cause
My glory to shine forth and give you a powerful testimony of My
faithfulness. I will do it in a manner that will bring you even more
joy than if you had simply walked on the path that had no obstacle
at all.
I am the God of all
encouragement, child, and I know how to work My glory in every one
of your circumstances. There is no difficulty that you can face that
I don't know how to turn it around for good. There is no trial that
can come against you that will catch Me unprepared. There is nothing
the enemy can do to you that I do not permit, and I will not permit
that which I will not use to My glory and to your ultimate joy and
So do not focus your
attention on your problems. They are not the One Who has power over
your life. Look to Me. Yes, look expectantly to Me and allow Me to
encourage you. Allow Me to breathe My life into you, allow Me to
give you vision and understanding, allow Me to strengthen you and to
give you the victory. Child, I will do all these things for you if
you will just look to Me and allow Me to encourage you.
If I’ve learned anything about going to church, it’s that there are
plenty of reasons not to go.
Why I Don’t Go To Church continued
The apostle Paul thought of himself as “the chief of sinners” years
after he “saw the light” on the road to Damascus. Long after he
discovered that there is no life outside of Christ, he urged those
who joined him to remember where they had come from. He reminded
them what they were still made of (Galatians 5:16-17), and how far
they all had to go (Philippians 3:12-13). |