“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so …” (Psalms 107:2)
Exaltation |
Volume 7 Issue 2
September 2006 |
Ruth Johnson, Ivan Pope, Delois Maddox, Ralph Brown, and Jackie
Tom Meadows, Sr.- Emeritus
Roy Campbell - Emeritus
Richard Hatcher-Emeritus
The Twelve Disciples – Prayer Team
Foreman, Ivan Pope, Janet Taylor, Juanita Langley, Margie Jasper,
Denise Warren, Karen Page, Tom Meadows, Pam Barden, , Deedre
Dickerson and Tee Williams
Waddell - Emeritus
Love Fund Coordinator:
Mary Tinnell
Newsletter Staff:
If you would like a copy of this newsletter, contact The Newsletter staff is always looking for roving reporters, writers and publishers. Anyone interested in serving God through this publication, please contact us.
the Lord!!
Tom Meadows
His Coming Presence
It always amazes me how God starts an idea or thought within our
minds and then we have to wait for what it means.
In August 2004, the Lord told me I would write and preach a
sermon on
“The Coming Presence”.
No I am not going to write or give you the sermon but
it has prompted me to write about
“His Coming Presence”
Isaiah 40 tells of the coming of the Lord to the Old Testament
people. Verse five
says: “And
the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it
together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.”
I hope to share a few words about His Presence and His Glory for I
believe they are one and the same.
Luke 14 tells us of the great wedding supper of the Lamb when we
will be in His presence as the bridegroom of Christ.
But just as the scripture foretells many will make excuses
and will not be there.
There is real excitement today to be expecting the “Glory of the
Lord” to manifest Himself in our midst whether in church or alone by
ourselves. Man does not bring the glory of the Lord into our
presence. The scripture
that the priests could not stand to minister because of the
cloud: for the glory
of the LORD had filled the house of the LORD.
All of our churches need to experience
“His Coming Presence”.
In the presence of the Lord nothing can stand that is not
According to scripture there is salvation, healing, peace, joy,
rest, glory and honor in the presence of the Lord.
God is even at the door if men would just step aside and be
still and let God move.
Numbers 14:21
- But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with
the glory of the LORD.
I pray that the cloud of God’s Glory will overshadow you and your
church and that He will reveal His presence to you. |
Prayer Ministry
one thing that holds this ministry and our work together is our
prayer ministry headed up by Karen Page and Margie Jasper.
Did you know that we hold a noon prayer meeting every
Wednesday at the location of the weekly Thursday meeting?
Did you know that our prayer register has about 300 requests
to date? Each of the
names is called out to the Lord everyday not just on Wednesday.
It is a humbling thing to call out 300 names to the Lord
knowing that you need as much prayer as any of these names.
Many people will be touched by the Lord through Hands Up
Ministry who otherwise might never attend church.
The Cross In Prayer By Oswald
Chambers “In that day you
will ask in My name…” (John 16:26). We too often
think of the Cross of Christ as something we have to get through,
yet we get through for
the purpose of getting into
it. The Cross
represents only one thing for us---complete, entire, absolute
identification with the Lord Jesus Christ---and there is nothing in
which this identification is more real to us than in prayer. “Your Fathers
knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8).
Then why should we ask?
The point of prayer is not to get answers from God, but to
have perfect and complete oneness with Him.
If we pray only because we want answers, we will become
irritated and angry with God.
We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not
always come in the way we expect, and our spiritual irritation shows
our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our Lord in prayer.
We are not here to prove that God answers prayer, but to be
living trophies of God’s grace. “…I do not say
to you that I shall pray the Father for you: for the Father Himself
loves you…” (John 16:26-27).
Have you reached such a level of intimacy with God that the
only thing that can account for your prayer life is that is has
become one with the prayer life of Jesus Christ?
Has our Lord exchanged your life with His vital life?
If so, then “in that day” you will be so closely identified
with Jesus that there will be no distinction.
******************** The Twelve
Disciples team at Hands Up is here to serve you.
We meet along with the Servant Team members every Wednesday
prior to our weekly HUM meetings.
We have witnessed many answers to prayer.
Because of our weekly prayer meetings lives have been
changed. People have
been saved, healed, blessed with jobs, and set free from
oppressions. It is a
humbling thing to know that because you pray God is moved.
His word says we have not because we ask not.
Our Heavenly Father wants to meet every need that you have.
He wants to hear from you.
Call on Him and He
will answer you and show you great and mighty things.
Please send your prayer requests and praise reports in an
email to my attention or any of the Twelve Disciples or Servant team
members. May God bless
and keep you.
Karen Page
If you need prayer contact Karen Page
or Margie Jasper or any member of the Twelve Disciples or the
Servant Team
Investment For An Eternity
By Tom Meadows, Sr.
El Curro - Project
Hands Up Ministry, in
partnership with
Since there has been a
change in leadership on the mission field we are still working to
get a project assigned to us.
Pictures of our last
trip in 2006 are on our website at
www.hands-up-mininstry.org and click on the Missions page.
Invest in the future
and eternity for yourself and others by contributing to this church.
If you would be interesting in going on our next trip or
helping financially then please contact us.
1 John 3:17
But whoso hath this
world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his
bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the
voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for
us? Then said I, here am I; send Me.
Work & Witness
We serve the one and
only mighty God who can do anything but fail. Hallelujah Thank
You Jesus. When the Lord speaks to you and you answer
"yes", please let us know.
Would you like to go
on a mission trip? Is your church planning a mission trip that could
use some more workers?
We would like to
start the dreaming process of going again in 2007. The need is
great and the time is now.
Hands Up Ministry
Love Fund
By: Tom Meadows
Love Fund update.
To date in seven years we have spent over $7000 in
demonstrating the love of God to our Brother and Sisters in need and
bereavement. Thanks for
every contribution you have ever made.
It is recorded in Heaven.
If you would like to
give to this worthy cause contact
Pastor Thomas
“Jeremiah” Meadows, Sr. dedicated his first grandchild Emily Hai-Lim
Meadows on August 13, 2006.
Are You Available?
Hands Up Meetings
United Christians of
Alleghany Warehouse Company:
12:20 PM – 12:50 PM
“The Light” at Park 500:
12 PM – 1 PM
M/C “C” Shift:
2 AM – 3 AM
M/C “B” Shift:
7 PM – 8 PM
Thursdays (Noon –
1:00 PM):
Alternates between
Center – September 28, October 12 , October 26,
November 9, November 23, and November 30
Headquarters HUM
Cabarrus HUM
Gateway HUM (Reborn)
BL Plant HUM
We are still praying for these sites to get started but we realize
until someone hears God’s call, it will not happen. |
A Special Thank You Thank you for
your support of the Southside Community Event sponsored by our
Church. The Feed the Hungry Truck was there until 5p.m. and we
were able to feed up to 400 families; Bon Secours Health Care was
there to give free health screenings; hygiene kits were given out;
school supplies were a biggie per Toni Penn (other churches brought
more schools supplies as they saw what was going on); gospel music
with steppers and rappers entertained as we ministered to the
community; lots of food and fun with the Bouncers, lots of balloons
for the kids and the Fire Truck; Clothing and other necessities were
given away to the community; and it was definitely an awesome task
for the Church to take on, but, God did it! Everything was
free of charge, basically. The balloons were 3 for a $1, but
everything else was free of charge. Many of you
who donated supplies were unable to come out and assist the
community; but, know that God saw you feed the hungry, clothe the
needy, and meet the needs of the community of Southside Richmond.
Thank you so much for the support you so willingly and freely give
when there is a need. Toni Penn represented Hands Up, even
as I had to leave due to a promise to sing at a family member's
wedding. Toni and her
entire family were out there and they were put to work immediately.
Thank you, Toni! By the way,
those of you who supported the computer upgrade, I am pleased to
announce an increase to the Love Fund of $300.00, with more flowing
in. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks to the technical assistance Also, we had
4 people participate in the Book Bag Project.
Our goal was to stuff 10 back packs for Junior High students
with supplies needed for the upcoming school year.
. A back pack with supplies would normally cost $35
dollars, but, because of the donation of the backpacks (My sister
donated these), it only cost us $15 per bag. We purchased the
basics which were:
packs of Loose
Leaf Paper,
pocket folders, composition books,
packs of pens &
pencils, tissue paper, glue sticks,
rulers, binder inserts to hold pens, pencils & erasers.
Ruth Johnson
Five Ways God Uses
God uses problems to
you. Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you
moving. Problems point us in a new direction and motivate us
to change. Is God trying to get your attention?
Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways.
Proverbs 20:30
1.God uses problems to
you. People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's
inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God tested
your faith with a problem? What do problems reveal about you?
"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy,
because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will
give you patience."
James 1:2,3
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop
you--depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately, most
people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their
lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather
than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring. Here
are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:
2.God uses problems to
you. Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure.
It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot
stove. But you probably learned by being burned.
Sometimes we only learn the value of something...health, money, a
relationship...by losing it . "It was the best thing that
could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your
Psalm 119:71, 72
3.God uses problems to
you. A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents
you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a
friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his
boss had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but
it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later
when management's actions were eventually discovered. "You
intended to harm me, but God intended it for good"...Genesis 50:20
4.God uses problems to
PERFECT you. Problems, when responded to correctly are character
builders. God is far more interested in your character than
your comfort. Your relationship to God and your character are
the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity.
"We can rejoice when we run into problems...they help us learn to be
patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and
helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope
and faith are strong and steady." Romans 5:3,4
**Here's the point: God is at work
in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it.
But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him.
"Success can be measured not only in achievements, but in lessons
learned, lives touched and moments shared along the way"**
The Giving Heart
Sandra Witherspoon
has given me a heart to help those in need.
What began as a
personal mission many years ago, has grown and merged into a local
non-profit organization, The Giving Heart.
The mission of The Giving Heart is to provide basic needs,
assistance, acceptance and opportunities to the underprivileged,
elderly and those who otherwise are hindered in their desire to move
forward. You can learn
more about this organization by visiting our website at
Community Thanksgiving Feast
With the
holiday season approaching, I’d like to encourage you to join
Giving Heart and
How to
us at
“’For I was hungry and you gave Me
food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you
took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick
and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the
righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry
and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?
When did we see You a
stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You?
Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I
say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My
brethren, you did it to Me.'”
(Matthew 25: 35-40)
On the Nature of Love
As nearly everyone who's ever met me knows by now, the Lord has
presented me with a grandson through my beautiful daughter, Sharon
Rose. Not only is this
child a priceless gift from a gracious God but he is a lesson.
As I proudly held him I wondered at the strength of my love
for this helpless baby.
I was smiling, crying, singing and filled with an unspeakable joy!
How could I have lived before he came?
How could I feel a love that could only be described as
ferocious? This tiny
babe had done nothing to make me so happy.
He could give not a thing in this world to me.
He couldn't even speak or acknowledge my existence let alone
return my affection.
Yet like every new grandparent I wished I'd had a canyon handy so I
could shout an endless echoing announcement that Connor had arrived.
Then that dimmer switch that my Lord uses to get my attention began
to grow brighter. Yes,
Dear one. Learn.
It was then that I realized we all are that newborn baby to
Him. We can do nothing
for Him because He is and has everything.
Yet He loves us, as we love these miracles of birth, simply
because we are. We are.
And because we are - He celebrates!
Every morning He presents us with a new day, the beauty of
this earth, the gifts of security, family, jobs, health
so many things just like the things we wish to shower on our
children and grandchildren.
Father, thank You for using this wonderful opportunity to
teach me about Yourself.
Before time began You had planned this lesson for me.
You knew I would be kissing a tiny crown of new red hair and
thinking of You with love and wonder.
Conner Adkins |
There are some things money can't buy,
twenty-four hours a day from anywhere in the world.
of grace you receive from
Want real joy despite the difficulties of life?
Want a lasting peace? Apply for
Looking for something you can always rely on in a jam?
Another great thing about
Let me not live a life that's free
Said in Luke 6:20-23(AKJV) |
By: Joni Ames
many people have contacted me to pray for them because they are
"weeping." Over the years, I've learned this usually happens with me
as the Lord calls me to pray, and it is called, "the weeping of the
Holy Spirit" or "prophetic intercession."
You are not
feeling this for yourself. You are standing in the gap. Much of it
may be for the current situation in Israel, or for the victims of
coming storms similar to Katrina, tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, or
other catastrophes and items of intercession--whether personal,
national, or corporate Body of Christ issues. |
ALLOW the Holy Spirit to cry, to pray through us when this unction
comes upon us, and to NOT "shut it down." Additionally, don't worry
about the "words" you will pray....
Romans 8:28, "And (then) we know that all things (will) work
together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called
according to His purpose."
(Emphasis mine) In this
time when so many have serious needs, let us heed the voice of the
Spirit to "pray it through."
Joni Ames |
2006 Christmas Mother Program
by Sandra Witherspoon
is hard to believe, but it is almost that time of year again!”
Every year around this time, we begin hearing people utter
this statement. Some
say it with excitement, others with expectation, and still others
with stress and anxiety.
As followers of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, we can allow
our hearts to reflect upon a tiny, little manger in
The holiday
season is approaching once again, and I encourage you to take a few
moments each day to reflect upon the
true meaning of this
holiday season. As you
plan to fellowship and exchange gifts with your family and friends
please consider giving of yourself, your time, your effort, and your
money to help others less fortunate than you.
Hands Up has supported at least one family for each year the
ministry has been in existence.
Since Hands Up is in its 7th year, we are planning
to sponsor seven families; however, as we experienced last year, man
can plan, but God grants the increase!
Last year, thanks to your support and God’s tremendous
blessings, we sponsored more than double the number of families we
initially planned to support!!
If you would like to participate in
the 2006 Hands Up Christmas Mother Program, please contact Sandra
Witherspoon at 283-9554.
We are currently seeking the following:
Prayer Warriors
Family Coordinators (coordinates the collection of gifts for a
Distribution Additional
information will be provided as it becomes available. |
Our Praises and Thanksgiving
Luke 12:48b
- For unto whomsoever much
is given, of him shall be much required:
You cannot reap
unless you sow, so why not sow some good seeds today to serve
someone else. One of my
loves and passions has been sharing at Christmas and last year I
missed HUM Christmas with Weed & Seed and also my family Christmas
was sad because of my health.
As a welfare child, I was dependent on others to provide for
me if I was to have any gifts.
Now I can sow where I reaped, I am thankful that even when we
think we know what we are doing, God is using us to do something
else. I am thankful
that fourteen families were touch by God using Hands Up Ministry
this past Christmas.
God used
I can also thank
the Lord for another year of service for Hands Up Ministry.
I hope 2007 brings the biggest revival in the ministry and an
outpouring of the Holy Spirit to provoke us to good and bigger works
for people in our world.
As you read this please realize that you make a difference,
but that difference depends on you.
One of the most difficult things is to motivate people to do
the very thing that will benefit them the most and not others.
The scripture says, “It is more blessed to give than it is to
receive.” Let that soak
in for a moment. While
we go about ministering to others we are really ministering to
ourselves. Ministry is
a two way operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
“God wants to do a work in
us, in order that He might do a work through us.”
I praise the
Lord for the things that I cannot see in the flesh but can speak
about them as they already exist in the spirit.
Corinthians 4:18
- While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things
which are not
seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the
things which are not
seen are eternal.
God, who
quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not
as though
they were.
Thank You Jesus