What a glorious day that will be.

The Master is coming, He has the key.

Will the world be ready for the Way

I should say not, when Jesus comes today.


God said, “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”

But the Devil makes lies out of His truth

What can Satan and the evil world say

When the sky splits and Jesus comes today.


As we walk in the light, there is no strife.

For we are sojourners in this life.

Eternity is our reward for the ransom He did pay.

Our redemption draweth nigh, when Jesus comes today.


Yes, prophecy will be past tense,

The world will look for their fifth sense.

Saints will go to glory,  free from this body of clay

Oh, what a glorious day, when Jesus comes today.


T. E. Meadows, Sr.  

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